Find Your Place

Our mission is to help people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose, and make a difference. Accomplishing that mission goes beyond the weekend experience. We believe it’s important to find a community to help you live out your faith. We’re committed to impacting our church, our communities, and our world.

Find God

Nothing matters more than beginning a personal relationship with God

Visit Us

Visit Us

With 13 locations in the Carolinas and services online, there’s a Seacoast campus near you. Come and see us!

Next Gen

Custom and Kidscoast are our student and children’s ministries. With incredible experiences and age-appropriate content, we are committed to championing the next generation.

Grow Your Faith

Finding God is just the beginning. Getting baptized and getting connected with other believers are crucial next steps to growing in your faith.


Baptism is an incredibly important moment in every Believer's faith journey. It is the public declaration of a person's commitment to Jesus Christ. We offer baptism at all of our campuses several times throughout the year. Baptism might look a bit different, depending on where you are. You may be on campus, or may find yourself at a lake or a river, or even the beach. We will provide everything you need to be baptized, including t-shirts, shorts, and towels.

Growth Track

Growth Track is a simple path for you to grow spiritually at Seacoast while building authentic relationships in a small group setting. Each of these three courses, taken one at a time, cover important foundational concepts, such as the mission of Seacoast and where you belong, developing healthy spiritual rhythms, and finding true freedom in Christ.

Small Groups

We believe it is important that we are continuously growing in our relationship with the Lord as well as in relationships with one another. Small groups meet regularly to study the Bible, pray for one another, and offer opportunities to build lasting relationships.

Seacoast Bookstore & Café

Seacoast Bookstore is located inside the Mount Pleasant campus of Seacoast Church. We offer a wide variety of Bibles, Christian books and gifts. All proceeds help support our global missions initiatives! Our café offers a variety of handcrafted coffee drinks, pastries, and snacks.

Bookstore Hours
Monday-Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm
Sunday 7:45am-12:30pm

Café Hours
Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm (Kitchen closes at 2:00pm)
Sunday 7:45am-11:15am

Discover Your Purpose

Everyone wonders, “what am I here for?” At Seacoast, we want to help you discover how God wired you to be a unique and vital part of what he wants to do in the world.

Unstoppable Growth

What if you could overcome your obstacles once and for all? What if you knew exactly what God’s purpose and his “next” for you was? What if you had a plan that would help you take your next step? The Unstoppable Growth 10-week small group experience gives you the connections, coaching and tools you need to experience the results you long for. Join an Unstoppable Growth small group near you and unlock your God-given potential today.

SEU Seacoast

Interested in a Christian higher education experience? SEU Seacoast is a regional campus of Southeastern University, offering Associates, Bachelors, and Graduate tracks. We provide both online and in-person instruction in ministry and marketplace degrees.

Make a Difference

We have all been given gifts, talents, and abilities so that we could serve those around us. Following Jesus means going out into the world and making a difference.

Dream Team

Whether helping kids learn about Jesus in our Kidscoast children’s ministry, welcoming first-time guests, pitching in behind-the-scenes with the Production team, distributing food in the community, or bringing hope to our global partners by serving on a missions trip, there are plenty of opportunities for you to make a difference!


Seacoast Missions exists to fight poverty, seek justice, and bring hope in our communities and around the world. Locally, we encourage you to create a project with your small group, find a project to join aligned with your passion, or serve with one of our partners. Globally, we partner with churches and organizations who provide resources without creating dependency. Our short-term global missions teams work alongside our partners in-country on projects that provide hope and show the love of Jesus to their local community.


Giving is the primary, practical way we acknowledge that God is first (Proverbs 3:9–10) in our lives and that everything belongs to God (Luke 6:38). Tithing and giving are responsibilities of every Christian, not just those with the gift of giving. The tithe is the first part of our income. Giving from a heart of love allows God to furnish the returns when we have given from a desire to help others and further His work.