Lent at Seacoast

A Seacoast Devotional

Sign up to receive weekly during Lent and daily during Holy Week.

Good Friday & Easter at Seacoast

Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Seacoast Online

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
4:00 PM, 5:30 PM
Sunday, April 20
8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM

Cane Bay

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM

Johns Island

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
9:00 AM, 10:30 AM

Mount Pleasant

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
4:00 PM, 5:30 PM
Sunday, April 20
8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 5:00 PM

North Charleston

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM


Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
5:30 PM
Sunday, April 20
7:00 AM (Hutchinson Square)
8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM

West Ashley

Good Friday Service Times
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
Easter Service Times
Saturday, April 19
Sunday, April 20
8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM


Our Easter service is a joyful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with great music and a relevant, practical message. Our services are for everyone. Whether you have a more traditional church background or none at all, you’ll feel right at home at Seacoast.

What should I wear?

You won’t feel out of place whether you’re wearing jeans or a jacket and tie, so just wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!

Is there anything for children?

Please check the service information for your campus for specific details regarding Kidscoast.

What time should I arrive for service?

For the best experience, we recommend you arrive no more than 20 minutes before the start of service.

How long is the service?

Our Good Friday and Easter services run about 60 minutes.

Will services be online?

Yes! If you aren’t able to make it to a service in person, we’d love to have you join us online. Our Good Friday and Easter services will be streamed at live.seacoast.org, on Facebook, and YouTube.